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Today's Dojo

10 Sep 2016 • eugene


Today, we continue our march through's first course by using our creativity plus computational thinking to create a story.

Create a Story -, Course 1, Stage 16

Time permitting, we'll try to finish the course with Stage 18's artist loops.

Artist Loops -, Course 1, Stage 18

As before, our mentors will throw names into a hat, and pair-up the students. One student drives and one navigates. After each step, the students switch roles and work through the same step with a different Chrome user. Then move on to the next step.


Today, we try to finish the MySQL database Sushi cards, Beginner Databases.

As before, students work in pairs. One drives and one navigates. After each card, the students switch roles and work through the same card using their own database (via the USE command we discussed in last week's dojo). Then move on to the next card.

Below are some MySQL commands that may come in handy today.

Backup Database

MySQL includes a program called mysqldump to create backups. It dumps the content of your database into a backup file.

  1. Click the Shell button on the XAMPP Control Panel to launch the shell.
  2. Backup the database into a file, type mysqldump -u root Spongebob > Spongebob.sql. (Don't be silly, replace Spongebob with the name of your database!)

Restore Database

To restore a database, we create a new database, then load it with the backup .sql file we created. This backup file is just a list of SQL commands (just like the ones we type in MySQL monitor).

  1. Now launch the MySQL monitor, type mysql -u root.
  2. Create your new database, type create database Spongebob;.
  3. Switch to it, type use Spongebob;.
  4. Now load it with the backup, type source dump.sql.


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