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Beginner Python Extra Credit

24 Jun 2017 • eugene

Last week our Hackers finished the Beginner Python kata. But we rushed through the last card. So today, we're going to finish a few of the features of the game and add some new ones! This time, you work at your own pace and get to use your own creativity (instead of following us line-by-line on the big screen).

Add These New Game Features

  1. Add check to inform user when they choose your favorite number.
  2. Change so that computer picks random number between 1 and 1000.
  3. Change so that if user off by more than 10, they get different message (i.e. “very low”).
  4. Change so that if user off by more than 100, they get different message (i.e. “crazy low”).
  5. Add counter to tell user how many guesses they have made.
  6. Add the 5 guess limit (as described on card 7 step 2).
  7. Add the number of guesses the user has left before they lose the game.


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